Protocol Type

Are you requesting to close a IRB, sIRB, or hSCRO protocol?

Choose one that applies:

  1. IRB (UCI is the IRB of Record)
  2. sIRB (UCI relies on a non-UCI IRB)
  3. hSCRO

IRB Closing Instructions

Display this section if all of these conditions are true:
  • An IRB protocol may be closed once subject accrual has ended, research interventions and data collection are complete, and analyses of subject identifiable data have concluded.

  • The official retention period for UCI's IRB records begins on the date a closing report is submitted by the Lead Researcher (LR).

For more information, visit:

hSCRO Study Results

Display this section if this condition is true:

Provide a brief summary of any results (preliminary or final) obtained in the study:


Closure Status

Display this section if any of these conditions are true:

Closing criteria:

  • All subject specimens, records, data have been obtained (i.e., no further collection is required).
  • No further contact with subjects is necessary (i.e., all interactions or interventions are complete).
  • Analysis of subject identifiable data, records, and specimens are complete (i.e., use or access to subject identifiable data and review of source documents by study sponsors is no longer necessary).

Please mark the option that represents the closing status of subject enrollments:

Choose one that applies:

  1. Subject enrollment and research procedures are complete. This study meets the above criteria and can be closed.
  2. No Subjects were accrued. The research was never initiated and this study can be closed.

Have there been any problems that required prompt reporting to the UCI IRB?

Choose one that applies:

  1. Yes, the problem(s) was previously reported to the IRB
  2. Yes, the problem(s) have not been reported to the IRB yet
  3. No problems that require reporting
Display this question if this condition is true:

Have there been any problems that were reported to the IRB of Record, but were not reported to the UCI IRB?

Choose one that applies:

  1. Yes, the problem(s) was previously reported to the UCI IRB
  2. Yes, the problem(s) have not been reported to the UCI IRB yet
  3. No problems that require reporting
Display this question if this condition is true:

REQUIRED! Promptly submit a Reportable Event along with the closing.

IMPORTANT! Reportable Events must be submitted within 5 business days of the occurrence or within 5 business days from the date in which the Lead Researcher learned of the occurrence.

Please explain why the problem(s) has not been reported to the UCI IRB:

Have there been any complaints from UCI participants or others that required reporting to the UCI IRB?

Choose one that applies:

  1. Yes
  2. No

Please explain the complaints that require reporting:

Display this question if this condition is true:

Provide a brief summary of the project's results (preliminary or final):

Display this question if this condition is true:

Closure Attachments (Optional)

Display this section if all of these conditions are true:

Submit any supporting documents for the closure in the Attachments section below.

Upload File...

sIRB Closure Attachments

Display this section if all of these conditions are true:

REQUIRED! Submit a copy of the IRB of Record?s Closing Report acknowledging that UCI, as a Relying site, has been closed. 

Upload File...

Lead Researcher Certification

Display this section if all of these conditions are true:

Upon submission of this final closing application, I hereby certify my intent to close the study and I affirm that all the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. If additional significant information about the safety or welfare of study participants should become available after study closure, I will forward it to the IRB promptly for review and inclusion in the protocol record.

Select all that apply:

  • As Lead Researcher, I affirm the above statement

Principal Investigator Certification

Display this section if this condition is true:

Upon submission of this final closing application, I hereby certify my intent to close the study and I affirm that all the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Select all that apply:

  • As Lead Researcher, I affirm the above statement

End of form. Please review responses for accuracy and completeness.

Display this question if this condition is true:

End of closure form!

Display this question if this condition is true: